I'm Talita! This space is where I share my thoughts and experiences as I navigate through life.
Professionally, I'm a Fullstack Software Engineer, but beyond coding, I have a passion for running, yoga, sketchnoting, organization/planning and Bullet Journaling.
I post some of my drawings/sketchnotes here on this instagram
When I first started this blog, my goal was simply to share my learnings, but as many of us I had some moments of unmotivation along the way.
It happens sometimes 🙃.
Howerver, over time, I started to appreciate this space I have. I saw myself reading again some old posts I've made to remember some stuff and reminding myself how I enjoyed to make the posts.
The map/filter/reduce post is my favorite because I sometimes forget how to use filter and reduce in JS. 😅
Well.. Thanks for stopping by!